I Made You A Mixtape…


I’m one of those music geeks that Nick Hornby was writing about in High Fidelity; the type that finds a song for everything, makes top five lists for fun and, if I got a date, I’d make her a mixtape. I’d also make them for myself as a way to collect what I’m really digging on at a particular moment in time. They serve as a sort of audio time capsule. Perhaps, if I laid out every mixtape I’d ever made, I might would find a road map through both my emotional history and the winding course of my musical tastes. It would certainly add up to an extraordinary length of magnetic tape capped by a few dozen compact discs…


There’s been a few sites online that allow you to compile a playlist and stream it for listeners and I’ve finally gotten on board with one for the first time: muxtape.com. Basically (and it is basic; that’s one of the things I like,) you upload 12 songs, sort as you wish and, viola! You have a mix muxtape!


You can also listen to other people’s muxtapes by picking one straight off the homepage or, perhaps, someone will link you to one that they’ve created. You can hear mine by clicking: http://rowjimmy.muxtape.com (or click the tape at the top of this post.) Also, you can keep up with your muxtape news by heading to their blog, here.
