Checking In

So it’s been practically a month since my last post. Why not, though? It’s not as if anyone reads this nonsense.

That said, I’ll go ahead and fill you in on a couple things that have gone on or are on the horizon for myself and my family.

First, I went to Tahoe at the end of July to attend the wedding of my old friend, Craig to his beautiful bride Kathy. I’d never been to Tahoe and, even if the event had been an utter disaster and unfun, I’d at least have to them them for inviting me so that I could experience such a beautiful place as Lake Tahoe & Squaw Valley. However, it was no bust. I stayed with my good friends, Modi & Randi (whom I just don’t see often enough) and we had a wonderful time.

The Happy Couple
Kathy & Craig: So in love that they won’t notice the stolen bandwidth…


Next, after a brief stint back at home, it was off to Seattle for… work.
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Happy 5th of July

The fourth of July can be a cruel, wicked bitch of a tease of a holiday. Sure, sometimes it forms a three-day weekend but most ofter it comes, as this year, smack in the middle of the week. This sends the weekend warriors scrambling for their beer hats and dismays the true professional party-people.

The celebration ensues and, without regard for what comes next, people drink heavily in order to properly pay tribute to the noble rich men who founded our fair nation. Nothing says, “Thanks for the liberty,” like a batch of margaritas after brunch. And then, after the fingertips are scorched from lighting an entire pack of sparklers at the same time and the kids are safely in bed, drinking at least one six-pack about the legal limit before stumbling to bed really screams, “Freedom!”

Here’s where the cruel bitch of it arises, though.

It’s called July fifth.

Happy back to work!

Your friend and mine...