Sleep… I Could Use It

I really shouldn’t complain.  When Emmet wakes in the night, I’m not the one who has to wake up and feed him. But I do wake up if only for a few minutes at a time. Those interruptions are intefering with quality, restful, sleep and that is leading to exhaustion, grumpiness, and exhaustion.

Yes. I typed it twice on accident but left it there on purpose.  That sort of thing happens when you do not get quality sleep. Not only do I know this because I’m living it, but because I read it here. That article also explained why my typing is unusually awful today and whatever you do, don’t expect me to remember tomorrow what you might try to teach me today.

It’s just not gonna happen.

Still Waiting…


So much for early arrival. Today we set in between the two predicted due dates for our baby. The doctor predicted May 1; the Midwife predicted May 3. Lots of other people, Amy included, were of a mind that he’d be early but, nooooo…

Anyway, now you understand the title of this post. Sort of. Not only does the title accurately describe things in our household, it brings to mind a mantra from a Talking Heads song called Crosseyed And Painless. Here’s a live version of it from German Television in 1980:


It’s a pretty great song. I was only somewhat aware of it when Phish covered the Talking Heads’ album Remain In The Lightback in 1996. after that show, Crosseyed… slipped in and out of the setlists for the remainder of their pre-hiatus years. Here’s their take on the song (also from German Television!) from 1997-02-16:


Now you know the sound inside my head whenever I find that I am still waiting.


Don’t you hate a countdown? The anticipation (if it’s for something good) can be almost annoying.

You know what’s worse?

How about a countdown that’s interminable? The clock keeps ticking but, at any moment, may drop to zero.

That’s what we’re dealing with now at home. Cross your fingers and stay tuned!

Oh, and to my family and friends, if you do not have an account to the forums on, drop me a message and I’ll set one up so that you’ll be able to see all of the glorious photos.