Megafaun 2010-06-08

Megafaun played the Iota Club & Cafe in Arlington, Virginia, last night and, if I could set aside my so-called objectivity for a bit, it was awesome.

Got there nice & early because it’s right across the river from my office and too far to go home first. So I had dinner in the area and rolled into the venue right as the band arrived. I had tweeted my request to tape earlier in the day and gotten an affirmative response so I checked in with the band and chatted with the club owner (whom I had heard was sorta tough on tapers but I found him to be very nice) and secured permission and prime position to setup. As the band loaded in and setup, I secured my mics to a pole about 6 feet from the stage, dead center, and about 7 feet high. I taped soundcheck then hung out and met the band. We chatted about a lot of different things including the Gayngs album (on which they all play and in support of which two of the band members will be touring in the fall. Gotta see that!) and an upcoming project for UNC involving Alan Lomax’s field recordings… Continue reading